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Do Dehumidifiers Get Rid Of Bugs – Insects And Humidity
Heat and humidity provide a favorable breeding environment for pests. Given that dehumidifiers can reduce relative humidity, we often wonder if they can help counter bugs’ invasion in our homes.
Bugs Attracted To Air Conditioners – And How To Keep Them Out
People seek refuge from the summer heat by keeping their air conditioners on. But during the hottest times of the year, air conditioners are an attraction for various bugs, especially
Humidifiers Attracting Bugs – Relative Humidity And Insect Receptors
Humidifiers are useful appliances that disperse water into the air and make it more humid. Nearly 10 million people in the US buy humidifiers every year, usually to prevent dry
8 Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Filter Is So Dirty
Around 250 million people in the United States use some form of air conditioning in their homes and workplaces. Overtime, AC filters can become so dirty you might wonder what
Should I Leave My Air Purifier On All Night? The Pros And Cons
Air purifiers that don’t generate ozone, or use an ionizer, can be left on all night. Running an air purifier continuously improves both the air quality and our quality of
Why Your House Smells Like Ammonia (Or Urine) – And How To Fix It
A house usually smells like ammonia because of mold, leaking refrigerant or pet urine. However, household cleaners, fertilizers in pot plants or a gas leak can also cause an ammonia