Honeywell Air Purifiers – Cleaning, Care And Maintenance

Many people use air purifiers in their homes and offices for various reasons, with Honeywell one of the more popular brands. Air purifiers help with seasonal allergies, and improve indoor air quality. However, after a period of use, Honeywell air purifiers require cleaning.

To clean a Honeywell air purifier, turn it off and disconnect it from the power source. Disassemble the purifier by removing the grill and accessing and removing the filters. Inspect the filter condition, and clean or replace them as needed. Wipe the exterior with a clean, dry cloth to remove dirt or dust before reassembly.

This guide will cover how to clean a Honeywell air purifier, including various models like the Honeywell True HEPA air purifier, airgenius 5 filter, HPA300 filter, and 50250 filter. The article will also cover how to disassemble a Honeywell air purifier.

For instructions on how to change filters and reset the indicator light on Honeywell Air Purifiers read this detailed guide.

How to clean a Honeywell air purifier

There are various models of Honeywell air purifier available on the market today. Each comes with different features and specifications for using and maintaining it.

There are a couple of differences in cleaning them, such as not using water or chemicals to wash certain filters but all Honeywell air purifiers require cleaning.

Normally, cleaning an air purifier entails cleaning the filters and vacuuming the inside and outside of the machine to ensure that it works well.

In this guide, we shall look at how to clean the following Honeywell models:

  1. Honeywell True HEPA air purifier
  2. Honeywell Airgenius 5 filter
  3. Honeywell HPA300 air filter
  4. Honeywell HPA100 air filter
  5. Honeywell 50250 air filter
  6. Honeywell 50100 air purifier
  7. Honeywell 50200 air purifier
  8. Honeywell 50300 air purifier

It is always recommended to switch off and unplug the air purifier from the power source before performing any kind of cleaning. This applies to all models of Honeywell air purifiers.

How to clean the inside of a Honeywell air purifier

These general steps can be followed when cleaning all models of Honeywell air purifiers:

  • Access the filters and remove them.
  • Examine their condition to determine whether or not they should be replaced.
  • If they can be washed, do so – This can be determined by reading the instructions in the user handbook relevant to your specific model.
  • If the filters aren’t washable, consider replacing them according to the suggestions in the user handbook. Sometimes, manufacturers advise vacuuming the filters, check your manual if your filters can be vacuumed.
  • Clean the unit by wiping it down with a clean dry towel or vacuuming its interior and outside unit.

How to clean a Honeywell HPA030 True HEPA air purifier

STEP ONE: Disassembly.

  • Pull the grille towards you and remove it while pressing the notch at the top of the grille.
  • To remove the filters, gently push along the edge of the filter frame and pull forward.
  • Pull the red tabs to remove the prefilter.
  • This device has a prefilter and two true HEPA filters. To remove them, pull them out one after another.

STEP TWO: Cleaning.

  • To clean the Honeywell HPA030, use a dry clean cloth to wipe the entire device or vacuum it with a handheld vacuum to remove the dirt inside the air purifier.
  • Next, check the condition of the filters that you removed to determine if they can still be used.
  • If they are clogged, discolored or covered in dust, they will need to be replaced as the filters of the Honeywell HPA030 are not washable.
  • Purchase new filters (available on and replace them as recommended in the user manual.
  • Reset the filter light following these instructions.

STEP THREE: Reassembling.

  • Install the true HEPA filter in the air purifier housing.
  • Next, install the Pre-filter under the tabs on the rear grille.
  • Replace the rear grille by sliding the lower tab into the tab slot and pressing the top of the grille into place until an audible “click” is heard.

How to clean a Honeywell Airgenius 5 Air Purifier

STEP ONE: Disassembling

  • To disassemble the unit, remove the back cover by pulling it away to access the filters.
  • The first filter is the prefilter. Remove it by pulling it away.
  • After that, access the permanent ifD washable filter. It is located right under the position of the prefilter.
  • Remove it by pulling it away from the device.

STEP TWO: Cleaning

  • To clean the Honeywell airgenius 5, start by cleaning the prefilters, then the ifD filter and finally the body.
  • To clean the prefilter, shake the dust and dirt from it into a dust bin.
  • Next, clean the ifD filter by rinsing it with clean tap water.
  • If the ifD filter looks discolored, it means it has more dirt, give it a more thorough wash by filling the sink with warm water and adding a few drops of mild dish soap. Soak it for two minutes before rinsing it with clean water.
  • Allow the filters to dry.
  • Clean the device’s body with a clean piece of dry cloth to remove any dust, dirt or debris.
  • If the filters are damaged or have deposits or debris that cannot be removed then they should be replaced – these are available on and can be replaced as recommended in the user manual.
  • Reset the filter light following these instructions.

STEP THREE: Reassembling

  • When the filters are completely dry, reassemble the air purifier ready for use.
  • Start by placing the ifD filter, the prefilter and then the cover.
  • Connect it to the power source and reset the filter check.

How to clean a Honeywell HPA100 and HPA300 Air Purifier

STEP ONE: Disassembling.

  • Press the two hand symbols on the front of the air purifier to remove the front cover from the unit.
  • Access the prefilter.
  • Pull it off to remove it from the unit.
  • Double-check if the filter is covered in any dust, dirt or discolored.
  • If it is discolored or covered in dust, you will need to replace it with a new one when through with cleaning.

STEP TWO: Access the HEPA filter.

  • HEPA filters are situated right below the prefilter position.
  • The Honeywell HPA300 has 3 HEPA filters while the HPA100 has one HEPA filter.
  • To remove them, grab the tabs on the HEPA filters to pull them out.
  • Confirm if they have changed from white to grey or black because if they have, you will need to replace them with new ones for quality indoor air.
  • Purchase new filters (available on and replace them as recommended in the user manual.
  • Reset the filter light following these instructions.

Note: On no account should you wash either of the Honeywell HPA300 filters because washing will ruin them.

STEP THREE: Clean the unit.

  • When cleaning the Honeywell HPA300 and HPA100, it is not advisable to use water, wax polish or any chemical solution.
  • Simply vacuum it and wipe it with a dry clean cloth to get rid of any dust build-up or dirt.

STEP FOUR: Reassembling.

  • When through with cleaning and determining the state of the filters, you will be required to reassemble your air purifier for your next use.
  • To do so, start by reassembling the HEPA filter by placing it into the air purifier. Make sure to follow the air flow on the HEPA filters by ensuring that the arrows are pointing towards the air purifier.
  • After you’ve pushed the HEPA filters into place, move on to the carbon prefilter, position it, and tuck the prefilter’s edges into the tab.
  • Finally, place the back cover on the air purifier by pushing it in until it clicks in place.

How to clean a Honeywell 50150, 50200, 50250, and 50300 air purifier.

STEP ONE: Disassembling.

  • Lift your Honeywell 50150, 50200, 50250, or 50300 air purifier up to access the bigger screw at the unit’s bottom centre to enable disassembly.
  • Using your left hand to lift the unit, unscrew the bigger screw with your right hand.
  • When through, place the unit on the level surface and then pull it straight up slowly to remove the filter.
  • Here, because you unscrewed the screw and pulled the unit straight up, the filter should have remained on the ground while the body/cover lifted up.
  • Set the cover aside.

STEP TWO: Double check if your filters are dirty.

  • Lift the filters from the base.
  • Check if your filters are dirty and require replacement.
  • Dirty filters are discolored, clogged or covered in dirt debris.

STEP THREE: Cleaning.

  • Start by brushing off any large or loose material on the top and bottom of the base to begin cleaning.
  • Then, using a detergent solution and a brush, clean the base to remove all dirt and debris and set it aside to dry.
  • Use a handheld vacuum to clean the inside of the Honeywell 50150, 50200, 50250, and 50300 models.
  • These models’ prefilters and true HEPA filters are not washable, so if you find them clogged, replace the filters.
  • If necessary, purchase new filters (available on and replace them as recommended in the user manual.
  • Reset the filter light following these instructions.

  • Reassemble the air purifier for next use.

How to open/take apart/disassemble a Honeywell air purifier

To disassemble your Honeywell air purifier, switch it off and remove it from the power source. Most models of Honeywell air purifier open from the front grille by pulling it off to access and remove the available filters.

For other models of Honeywell air purifier follow these steps:

For Honeywell HPA030 True HEPA, pull the grille towards you and remove it while pressing the notch at the top of the grille to open and remove filters.

For Honeywell Airgenius 5 air purifier, remove the back cover and pull it away to access the filters.

For Honeywell HPA100 and HPA300 air purifier, Press the two hand symbols on the front of the air purifier to remove the front cover from the unit to access the filters.

For Honeywell 50150, 50200, 50250, or 50300 air purifiers, lift it up to access the bigger screw at the unit’s bottom centre and using your left hand, lift the unit, unscrew the bigger screw with your right hand and when through, place the unit on the level surface and then pull it straight up slowly to remove the filter.

Russell Singleton

Russell holds a Bachelor of Science (Environmental and Marine Geoscience) with Class I Honors. He is currently completing his doctorate in science and is passionate about all earth processes, especially isotope geochemistry and paleohydrology.

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