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Why Does My AC Smell Like Vinegar?
Air conditioning units have played a significant role in upgrading our lifestyles. They help us beat the scorching summer heat, reduce humidity, and enjoy better air quality. However, as with
Annoying Beeps: Troubleshooting CO Detector
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mentions that around 50,000 US citizens visit the emergency department annually due to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Because the colorless, odorless, and
Fishy Business: Why Does My House Smell Like Fish?
Unusual odor in the house is not just uncomfortable but can also be indicative of toxic gas leaks and other dangerous circumstances. The constant fish-like smell is a common complaint,
The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Tap Water in Your Humidifier
Tap water can be used in a humidifier, but it may lead to mineral buildup and the dispersal of minerals and potential contaminants into the air. The best alternatives to
Why Your House Smells Like Bleach/Chlorine
Unless you live under a rock, you’re exposed to chlorine regularly when swimming, drinking water, or driving your vehicle. Besides, homeowners often use bleach-based disinfectants to kill viruses and bacteria
Pee-yew! Why Does My AC Smell Like Urine?
Air conditioners are designed to boost your indoor air quality by providing cool and fresh air. So, experiencing an unpleasant odor after turning it on is nothing more than disappointment.
What To Do When Your House Smells Like A Tire Shop
Regardless of your maintenance habits, you’re bound to encounter weird smells around your property once in a while. While a few smells subside pretty quickly, others linger around before dissipating.
Why Your House Smells Like A Sewer: Causes And Solutions
A nasty odor from rotten food, garbage cans, and smoke isn’t uncommon. But they are easier to tackle and take a minute to eliminate. A few stubborn smells, however, can
Air Conditioners That Smell Like Rotten Eggs – Here’s Why
If you’re like most people, you probably dedicate hours every week maintaining your home and car. There’s nothing more disappointing than coming home or getting in your car on a
How To Reset A Hardwired Smoke Detector
A hardwired smoke detector can be reset by pressing and holding the reset or test button for 15 seconds. If that fails to stop the alarm from beeping, replace the
Respirators And Masks For Ammonia – Know The Difference
Activated charcoal masks, 3M masks, and an OSHA-approved combination of 3M and P100 are the best respirators to protect against ammonia. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the form of an
Air Purifiers That Remove Carbon Dioxide – Plant Power.
Regular air purifiers cannot remove carbon dioxide from the air. However, one air purifier can remove carbon dioxide as it is made from algae and mimics how plants remove carbon
How To Replace Hoover Vacuum Parts And Accessories
To replace the belt or the brush roll on a Hoover vacuum, unscrew the brush guard, and replace the old brush assembly and belt. Remove the power switch from the
Why Your CPAP Filter Is Turning Black – And How To Fix It
Air entering a CPAP machine carries airborne contaminants that can cause the filter to turn black over time. Soot stains from candles and mold build-up due to high relative humidity
Deebot Vacuum Beeping – Causes And Solutions
A Deebot vacuum can start beeping because of a malfunctioning brush, obstruction in a faulty motor, failed auto-sensor, full or improperly installed dustbin, and low battery. The number of times a
10 Reasons Why Your Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping
Smoke alarms beep continually when there is a fire in the home. In the case of false alarms, a smoke detector can keep beeping due to residual charge, high humidity,
Do Humidifiers Kill Or Spread Germs – All You Need To Know
Humidifiers do not kill germs that are airborne. Poorly maintained cool mist humidifiers can breed and disperse bacteria and mold spores into the air and have been associated with inflammation
Air Conditioners And Ozone Emission – Get The Facts
Conventional air conditioners do not generate ozone. However, air conditioner units with integrated ionizers do create and emit small amounts of ozone. The ions produced by the ionizer component can split
Propane Detectors – Single And Multi Gas Monitors
There are detectors solely dedicated to propane and natural gas detection. However, any combustible gas detector can detect propane gas leaks. Combustible gas detectors are also used to detect butane,
Why You Need A Carbon Monoxide Detector – Get The Facts
Carbon monoxide detectors are required in all homes in every state, excluding Hawaii and Kansas, under state legislations. Detectors can prevent accidental CO poisoning from common domestic appliances including gas
How Furnace Filters Help With Allergies – Removing Triggers
Furnaces with generic filters are largely ineffective at reducing airborne allergens. However, furnace air filters that are HEPA, pleated polyester, carbon, fiberglass or those with MERV rating >11 can remove
What is the White Stuff In (and On) My Air Purifier?
High quality air purifiers can remove up to 99.97% of the contaminants in the air we breathe. However, if you have noticed some white stuff in and around your air
Do Humidifiers Produce Ozone? – All You Need To Know
Humidifiers are appliances that improve and regulate the moisture content in the air and are essential in dry areas. But do they produce any toxic byproducts like ozone? Standard humidifiers
Do Air Purifiers Remove Uranium – Filtering Radioactive Dust
Uranium is a radioactive element that occurs naturally in soil, rock, and water. Tiny uranium particles are also present in the air as dust. Air purifiers trap airborne contaminants and
Do Air Purifiers Remove Benzene – How To Eliminate Exposure
Over 80 million Americans use air purifiers in their homes and offices to improve the indoor air quality by getting rid of different contaminants, which may include benzene. However, there
Do Dehumidifiers Get Rid Of Bugs – Insects And Humidity
Heat and humidity provide a favorable breeding environment for pests. Given that dehumidifiers can reduce relative humidity, we often wonder if they can help counter bugs’ invasion in our homes.
Can Humidifiers Make You Sick – Infections And Pneumonitis
Around 45 million American use a humidifier to increase the moisture content in the air. Humidifiers are particularly essential in the wintertime, or in dry climates, for a comfortable environment.
Do Air Purifiers Remove Ammonia – Filters, Odors, And VOCs
With air quality a growing concern in the United States, nearly a third of Americans have turned to air purifiers for cleaner air. While these devices excel at removing particles,
Air Purifiers That Produce Ozone – And The Ones That Don’t
More than 80 million Americans use an air purifier to improve air quality and essentially protect their health. However, it’s crucial to know if air purification also creates toxic byproducts
Bugs Attracted To Air Conditioners – And How To Keep Them Out
People seek refuge from the summer heat by keeping their air conditioners on. But during the hottest times of the year, air conditioners are an attraction for various bugs, especially